2024 levy

Levy Order Election May 14th, 2024

A. Direct Services to Students/Safety

Including, but not limited to, free textbooks and materials to all students or technology and devices to transition to online textbooks for age appropriate students, educational field trips, facility improvements to enhance the learning environment, funds for the JROTC program, provide Resource/Security Officers stationed at schools, and to provide cameras and communication systems on buses and schools.

B. Student Related Community Services

To provide funding to the WVU Extension Office to supplement the cost of providing the 4-H program to Monroe County students; to provide funding for county libraries which serve all Monroe County students and an additional $5,000 to match donations to those libraries, exclusive of grants or state or federal allocations.

C. Preventative Maintenance/Facility and Program Improvement

Including, but not limited to, HVAC, Filter Service, Custodial Equipment, Custodial and Maintenance Supplies, Preventative maintenance, ensure facilities are attractive and well-maintained, and allowance for individual schools to provide full day in-school suspension.

D. Improve Guidance/Counseling Services/Improve School Cleanliness

Including, but not limited to, hire personnel to continue to address custodial needs at Peterstown and Union (3 custodians), groundskeeper for all schools, to hire personnel in order to continue to provide additional guidance/counseling services to students, and to provide supplemental insurance for employees.

How Will This Impact Me?

The levy renewal is being placed before the voters at the same rate as the current levy, meaning tax rates will not change and voters will not see any increase in taxes as a result of the school levy.

Coffee, Donuts, and Levy

April 15th - 6:00 p.m. at Hometown Restaurant, Peterstown

April 30th - 6:00 p.m. at Kalico Kitchen, Union